Synchronous Learning through the Internet

Synchronous learning is now being effectively captured through the Internet. Synchronous ldreamstime_s_33571958 copyearning requires the presence of both parties at the same time for teaching and learning to take place. Immediate feedback is available for students rather than waiting in between lessons or classes. The comfort of distance learning comes from the lack of tenseness to meet appointment times in uncomfortable environments. A study conducted by N. Chena, H. Koa, T. Linb,, researched a model of synchronous learning using the internet.

Results showed an increased level of motivation in students engaged in synchronous learning through the Internet.

  • 97% of students said they were satisfied with online live instruction mode
  • 89% went in depth to say that the live instruction mode provided very good interactions amongst the teacher and student.

Nian-Shing Chen, Hsiu-Chia Ko, Kinshuk & Taiyu Lin (2005): A model for synchronous learning using the Internet, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 42:2, 181-194

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